Monday 10 May 2010

Click on This

The appeal of the show is the many different lifestyle interviews hosted by a male called Jonny Aloso. They guests in the previews i watched were music people and technological people who explain more about what they do. The interviews seem like the host makes it up whilst he is there, making it seemed unorganised which could be seen as a downfall to this show as its not what the audience is expecting to see. This also may be seen as a good thing as its different and they may enjoy it.

This program is all about the audience and promoting different, unknown things such as bands, movies and dance routines etc and then they put it on the blog. It has a link in which you can then contact the producers and give them your ideas for an upcoming episode. It is also be seen through sites as youtube so you can catch up on what you have seen. The audience can also give feedback on what they have seen, commenting on what they liked and disliked.

It seems like its a low budget program so its not as good quality as it could be but its in a quality in which you are able to watch it with ease. The quick snaps also suggest this but worked well with what they are doing.

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