Monday, 10 May 2010


We looked at 'Click On This'

1. The show gives a quick look at the new products being released and what to to look out for, though it doesn't give a detailed description and any comparisons to any other products. The website has a blogger, where you can post your comments, it is also linked to twitter. It has several episodes and links to more, so easy access and understandable. Its also linked to Youtube. However it doesn't look to appealing to the eye and unless your interested in technology, its rather boring.

2. It is a lifestyle interview video series, cheap and easy way to hear about new technology. It's done by 3 presenters, quite ameturist. Appear to only be cast for their looks to draw in a certain audience.

3. Very ameture filming and editing and really cheesy. Filmed on a basic handheld small camera, low quality and shaky video. Not enough information in the video, we are only aware that we are in vegas but not sure where, only the info underneath the video tells us its the NAB show.

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