Thursday 22 April 2010

Rose and Jodie's work.

Tasks: How the key scene we have chosen represents the time period and the location.
The key scene we have chosen is where the Police dragged the journalist out of the hospital without establishing the problem first and whether he had actually committed a crime.
During this time period (The 1970's) the police force tended to be more corrupt and could be influenced by many things. This scene represents how the police force act during this time as the innocent journalist was brutally dragged out of hospital without investigation on the police's behalf. This would show an active audience that living in the 70's wouldn't have been great considering the people in society put their trust in the police and they are not fulfilling their roles of investigating a serious situation. They appear to be heavily influenced by things such as money, (bribes), journalists, property developers and so on. Instead of finding out who has murdered these young girls , a journalist is gathering all the information towards helping find the murderer, whilst the police concentrate on violence towards less of a crime. They way they deal with the situation is unfair. They seem very uncaring and unprofessional compared to the police in society these days.

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